Home Assistant Media Series 1

So, this is a new series that deals with setting up Home Assistant (HA) with a good media server. So, there are many options out there for this option and I already touched on one option here. That option works but it has many missing things too. For example, if you notify with voice assistant then it looses its place. This is where Music Assistant really shines. Also, I have found how to use the esp32 platform that I love so much and extend it to use squeezelite-esp32. This can be loaded much the same way as ESPHome so it is a good stepping stone to the next level of ESP32 development too!

See my post on setting up Media Assistant here. I will write a post of the setup squeezelite-esp32 in the next few days. I have already realized that I want to add a preamp to this first rendition but I will start with a basic layout for a "Smart Speaker" similar to Sonos.

New Project - Squeeze Rover

My SqueezeLite ESP32 project is done and I have posted an example of it here. I have also posted this on oshwlab.com for more info here is the project. Many more things being built on this concept. I will have a 2.1 amp that works great with this project once I get done I will post it here too.