SqueezeLite ESP32 Eval BoardSqueezeLite ESP32 Eval Board

Hello all I have completed another project and it is ready for primetime. I have a project on EasyEDA/OSHWLab here. So, this is great it expands my preamp project here. These to work like peas in a pod and I am going to be adding an Type D power amp that also works with these projects. However, that is very early in development and will be a few months before I am ready to show that.

Why is this project usefull?

Well, it links my preamp board to MusicAssistant via squeezelite ESP 32 firmware. This is a great project that expands the preamp into the digital world. I have so much going on with these but for now. I am using these type D amp boards for now. You need two of these for the 2.1 setup. 1 for stereo out and 1 for sub out and then a dual voice coil sub or two sub setup that use both channels. See my video below for the example output.

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