ESP32 S3 Climate(Furnace) Controller
Well, I finally did it! I have completed first version of my ESPHome thermostat controller. This is not your just another thermostat. This thing is crazy it is actually replacing…
I forgot too much stuff! So, created this site!
Well, I finally did it! I have completed first version of my ESPHome thermostat controller. This is not your just another thermostat. This thing is crazy it is actually replacing…
There is a way to do this but it required a relay and a repin of a connector. I will write a how to based on my 2003 Ford F-150.…
So when setting up Frigate I realized that it is not secure and does not support any type of authentication. Therefore, it allowed anyone in without any security checks. Well,…
Hello all, just joined Keysight to better understand the electronics and measurement world. Very cool stuff out there! It also gives you the ability to see some of the latest…
So, fundamental to many electronic projects is switching. Also, switching is where a MOSFET can really shine. Why? Because most have a low on resistance and require voltage to turn…
For starters I am working with ATTiny 1626 micros. I have been using an Arduino UNO to burn them from PlatformIO up until now. So, how can I get AvrDude…
Hello all, this came in handy the other day for nextcloud so I figured I would put a quick post about it out. Let’s say, you want a PHP 8.0…
So, time is important to microcontrollers. Also, it is important for may circuits that could be built using a microcontroller such as a ATTiny 1626. Also, they are so inexpensive…
So, I have decided it is best to start a series here called “My Network” in this I will outline and provide an overview of my network. Furthermore, these posts…
So, I thought I had a article related to this when I was answering this post on Server fault. However, I could not find one so I wrote this one…